Gordon Linoff
Gordon Linoff is a founder and principal of Data Miners, Inc. He is an expert in the fields of data mining and data warehousing. His experience spans a number of industries, including e-commerce, newspapers and magazines, telecommunications, and banking. With his colleague, Michael Berry, Gordon has authored two of the most widely read and respected books on data mining, “Data MiningTechninques” and “Mastering Data MIning” (both published by John Wiley & Sons, see below). These best sellers in the field have been translated into many languages. Gordon and Michael are now completing a book, tentatively titled “Mining the Web“, on application of data mining in the new economy. Prior to founding Data Miners, Gordon was at Thinking Machines Corporation where he served on the team developing the underlying technology for DowQuest, the Dow Jones new retrieval service and managed the development of a parallel implementation of SQL. Gordon earned his degree in mathematics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He serves on the technology advisory board of TimesN.