Harry Chapman

He has over 30 years of experience across a broad set of disciplines, including IT Management, finance, operations and consulting. His mission is to enable IT organizations be more effective by aligning their effort with the organization and focus on implementing their organization’s strategic objectives. As a Director for Renaissance Worldwide, Mr. Chapman worked with the creators of the Balanced Scorecard, Dr. David P. Norton and Dr. Robert S. Kaplan. Mr. Chapman presented the results of the Wells Fargo On-Line Financial Services project to Kaplan and Norton, which led to the creation of the Harvard Business Publishing case study that is included in this course. Mr. Chapman will share with you other aspects of the case that were only available to those participating in the project.Mr. Chapman founded the Bay Area Consulting Group LLC in the belief that clients benefit greatly from the combined perspective of seasoned, experienced, successful practitioners. Most recently, Mr. Chapman has assisted both IT organizations and divisions of large companies focus on executing their strategies and delivering break-through results with limited resources using the Balanced Scorecard.